How Can You Get Rid of Skin Sun Spots?

get rid of skin sun spots

Do you know how to get rid of skin sun spots? Once they start showing up on your skin, the question enters your mind when you look in the mirror at your face or see the back of your hands during the day. Sun spots are common and so is the curiosity about how to get rid of them.

Skin sun spots, also called solar lentigines (solar lentigo if it is just one spot) are common. In my dermatology practice, I am asked every day by my patients to help them fade or get rid of their unwanted sun spots. There are a number of tricks and tips that we use to do this.

Because sun spots are so tenacious, the best results come from an 'all of the above' approach to controlling sun spots.

That means using a combination of:

  1. Prevention (Which means taking measures to stop the development of new spots or the darkening of existing spots.) I'll cover that in this post. 
  2. Skin care products that fade existing spots (The next post will cover this topic.)
  3. Procedures that help remove stubborn sun spots (The last post of this series.)

Do all three and it may be possible to have sun-spotless skin!

This is the second post in my 4-post series on Sun Spots.

In the first post I explained what causes sun spots on skin. Click here if you missed it because to prevent sun spots you need to know why you have them in the first place.  

In this post, and the next two in the series, I'll give you the details for my 'all of the above' approach with my treatment tricks and skin care tips to control skin sun spots. It is possible for you to have spotless, or nearly spotless skin.  Let's start now with Step 1, Prevention:

How do you prevent skin sun spots?

By keeping UV rays off of your skin! Yes, it is that simple. 

You prevent UV rays from entering your skin by wearing broad spectrum sunscreen every day (365 days a year) on all of your exposed skin.  As long as there is sunlight in the sky there are UV rays that will cause sun spots. Those UV rays come through windows and clouds, bounce up from the ground to get under your hat, or sneak into the shade. Only those parts of your skin covered by sun-proof clothing don't need sunscreen.

In my opinion as a dermatologist, the best sunscreen to prevent age and sun spots is mineral zinc oxide sunscreen.

best sunscreen to get rid of skin sun spots

During my 35+ year career I've done over 200,000 skin exams on Californians. Their skin has taught me what works for trusted sun protection and zinc oxide sunscreens are the clear winners. These are the only sunscreens I recommend and trust. Its protection is broad spectrum, reliable, and it lasts longer than chemical sunscreens.

It is my opinion that zinc-oxide-containing sunscreen is the most reliable type of sunscreen to protect your skin. Dermatologist and Skin Wellness Expert Dr. Cynthia Bailey

My Sheer Strength Pure Physicial zinc oxide sunscreens are made with a patented zinc oxide formulation that is invisible and easy to wear every day. I have different product types including matte tinted, invisible cream, spray, and an SPF refresh powder. To see more of my sunscreens and sun protection tools click here. 

To see all the zinc oxide the sunscreens that I recommend for my patients and that I use myself, click here. Some of my favorite sunscreens are:

"My favorite product from Dr. Bailey is her zinc oxide sunscreen."

I love that it contains zinc and omits the chemicals. My 59-year old skin is still prone to acne and this does not cause my skin to break out. It also allows me to wear blush, bronzer and concealer without causing the make up to “pill up”. Helen I 6/13/14

Because you want to keep all UV rays off of your skin to prevent sun spots, you want to back up your sunscreen with everything you can. That means wearing a hat and sun protective clothing to keep even more UV rays from hitting your skin. Seek the shade and avoid being in direct sun when possible. 

To see my comprehensive tips and strategy for sun protection click here.

Yes, this is not easy to keep all the UV rays off of your skin but remember, it's worth the effort because,

 UV Ray Exposure + Your Skin = Sun Spots

What are the best skin care products to fade existing skin sun spots?

I’ll cover that in my next post on sun spots.

Thanks for sharing this post too using the social media sharing button right below. 

Don't miss the other 4 posts in this dermatology series on sun spots:

Post 1. What Causes Sunspots on Skin? 

Post 2: How to Get Rid Of (Prevent) Skin Sun Spots (this post)

Post 3:  What Are The Best Skin Care Products To Fade Sun Spots

Post 4: How to Get Rid of Those Pesky Sunspots